Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Name Above All Names

Went to work this morning at one of our shops, and behold what greeted me...one of our staff a Yemeni Muslim, wearing this!

His t-shirt screaming 'JESUS' in boldface certainly is no ordinary sight in this part of the world . What was he thinking? Surely he has not come across yet a mutawa who would have gifted him some less generous amount of lashes had he met one. Judging from his lack of reading skills on anything apart from his beloved Arabic, he certainly had no clue he was promoting the name above every name; or he could sprint towards the nearby Citimax to gift himself a new one and obviously to give that 'dreaded' one a worthy dunk in the trash bin. But wait, he was adamant to keep it on his back even after I gave him some friendly tips that people would be displeased with what he is wearing. Guess what, he replied "no problem", as "I love to wear it and have been wearing it daily since few months as it was a gift from my older brother." Haha, I thought it has yet to have its first date with the washing machine given its "favorite tag" for, come again, few months already?

Humor aside, I thought it could be the best time for me to introduce the Lord Jesus to him. I just waited for the customer to leave and aided with my crooked Arabic, I started to actually tell him that 'JESUS' is written on it, the one they know to be Isa in their Koran whom the Islamic faith recognizes to be of a lesser prophet than their very own prophet. Though a lot of people (especially Rick Warren) are convinced that Jesus of the Christian faith and Isa of the Koran are the same person, true born again believers do not buy this belief as there are stark contradictions between the real Jesus and the one in their book...very different. And that warrants another blog entry albeit long and tedious topic it is to write, that is if we really want to know the truth. Just a little snippet of what I may probably write on the topic, the links below could be helpful if we are to delve into this completely different topic -- the deity of Jesus, that is.

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, 
and given him a name which is above every name: 
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, 
of things in heaven, and things in earth, 
and things under the earth; And that every tongue 
should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, 
to the glory of God the Father. 
~ Philippians 2:9-11