I just met 'briefly' for the first time my blog buddy here in Jeddah just a couple of hours ago in front of McDonald's, where else?, he is Mr. Nereus Jethro Abad, a Filipino expatriate just like myself, he is working with the National Prawn Company, (it's one of the world's biggest fully integrated aquaculture project, and the world's biggest and premier desert aquaculture venture, as it says there in his profile). Mr. Nereus Jethro Abad's blog is called
Desert Aquaforce.
To Mr. Abad, "If ever you are reading this, in behalf of my friend, I would just like to say that it's a pleasure meeting you, I know we didn't have enough time for a thorough conversation but I know there's still next time. Thank you very much for your time and ohh, those prawns are HUGE...!, can't wait to taste them. Thanks!"